

Cracking the Code: My Journey to Landing My First Freelance Client

Introduction Hi, I am Saud Chougle, Software Developer from India. In this blog, I am thrilled to share my personal story of how I secured my very first freelance client and the process I undertook to successfully complete the project. Story I wanted...

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How to Setup Vue Test Utils for Vue2 Application

I was working on the vue2 app and wanted to set up a unit test. Since vue3 is now available, and their testing libraries have also been updated to support vue3, Because of versioning, I had difficulty configuring vue2 with test-utils. That is why I a...

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Graph Representation

☝️This is a graph. How? A graph is a collection of nodes and edges in a way that nodes are connected by edges. How does the computer understand what is a graph? and what are nodes and edges? There are two commonly used techniques for representing gra...

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What is Pointer?

What is this 👇? var favoriteNumber int = 7 a variable of the name "favoriteNumber" of a type integer that stores 7. similarly var favoriteColor string = "black" a variable of the name "favoriteColor" of a type string that stores "black". pretty si...

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Introduction To Graph Data Structure

What is a Graph data structure? A Graph is a collection of nodes and edges in a way that nodes are connected by an edge. Graph Terminologies fig01 Vertex or Node Every individual point that holds or represents some kind of data is called vertex or n...

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Repositree - Github Repository Explorer

I have been working on this project for a couple of months it seems a perfect time to share. #christmashackathon Repositree is a GitHub repository or file explorer that helps to navigate the files like your IDE. Features IDE-like code tree for GitH...

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